download Seller Marketing

2022 Home Seller’s Guide


Offer Sweet Offer

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photo tips

This is a great piece to give to Sellers on how to prep their home for photos and showings!


MLS Marketing Options

Active, Coming Soon, Delayed Entry and No Entry


property evaluation sheet

Click button below to download pdf


order Seller marketing

Who Do You Know POstcard

This postcard is targeted to those looking to buy or sell their home. This referral campaign allows you to expand your reach!

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I love to hear where agents get their business from and believe it or not Postcard mailings are still an effective marketing tool. Ask us to send out Just Listed/Just Sold cards for you!

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8x8 Targeted

Postcard Listing Campaign

Click button below to send us a request email and we’ll be in touch to execute this marketing plan.

Listing Task list

Interactive Excel File

Pending Task List

Interactive Excel File


open house materials

You should never walk into an Open House empty handed. We’ve designed an Open House boutique series for you to take advantage of so you stand out in the sea of other agents. Everything from Welcome Signs, Thank You Cards, Sign In Sheets and Surveys and Tent Cards.


Tent cards

These are a favorite for agents whether it say Welcome Home, Please Remove Shoes or any other custom message you want Buyes to see!


Custom notecards

Handwritten notes go along long way and tend to have a longer shelf life due to the extra thought and effort in sending them! We can design custom notecards with your branding on the back. Use them for all occasions to touch your sphere and don’t forget to thank your clients for the opportunity!


Signs and riders

Whether you need to order more signs or you want an eye catching boutique rider to place on your listing there is no need to go anywhere else but here!

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These come 4up to a page and can be customized to your message! We have a variety of choice including: Neighborhood Stats, New Listing, Open House and more!

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We’ve Moved notecards or Postcards

A perfect closing gift for your clients. Customized notecards with their new address to send to friends and family.